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Select Board & Finance Committee Joint Meeting - Aug. 12th, 2024

Mon August 12th 2024 at 05:00 PM
Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


  1. Open meeting
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Review and/or approve meeting minutes
  4. Appoint Angela Alexander to the Agricultural Commission
  5. Discuss future of Police Dept
  6. Audit update
  7. DPW
  8. DPW Truck purchase update
  9. DPW employee interview update
  10. School lift update
  11. Community/Senior Center update
  12. OSHA Fire Dept regulation proposals
  13. Discuss emergency generators for Town buildings
  14. Approve warrant for the State Election on September 3, 2024, from 7am to 8pm
  15. Review and or approve appointments for 1 year
  16. Sewer billing error
  17. Public comments
  18. Review and/or approve warrants
  19. Adjourn


Chairman Robert Norcross opened the meeting at 5:00pm

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present Selectboard member Dan Haskins, Colton Andrews, Town Administrator Carl McKinney and members of the Finance Committee. Charles Lewitt, Carla Fosser and Robert Witherell.

The chair noted there were no minutes to approve for this meeting.

Chaiman Norcross called for a motion to appoint Angela Alexander to the Agricultural Commission. On motion of Selectboard member Haskins, duly seconded by Board member Andrews it was VOTED: to confirm the appointment.

Chairman Norcross opened the discussion for the future of the Police Department. He noted the Chief Williams will be retiring at the end of September. The board has been looking at three options, 1- keep the police department and replace the Chief, 2- form an agreement with North Adams, which is now off the table since it was too costly and 3- do away with the department and use the State Police for help when needed.

Chairman Robert Norcross said the State Police covers Hancock, Savoy, New Ashford, Richmond, and Florida, which are smaller than Clarksburg, we have double the population and some of our issues are like a city.

Board member Dan Haskins said after talking with some residents he has some concerns about the State Police, does not believe this is the correct way to go. He believes the town should put the job out there, even though we are working with a tight budget. Not sure what the town can offer in terms of salary to attract applicants.

Board member Colton Andrews understands that the town is in a financial pinch and thinks the town should maybe try the State Police for six months. It will be hard to find good, qualified candidates at the rate of pay, we need to be logical in our decision. Police Chief has been a bargain for the town for many years. Not opposed to looking outside and using the State Police as a safety net.

Chip Chesbro, questioned the pistol permits. He also noted how fast the State Police do react to incidents in the town.

Colton noted that the smaller towns use North Adams to issue pistol permits on set days. There was also some discussion on emergency management.

Bob Witherell asked if the town was happy with the service of the police department, everyone agreed that they were, and the town should find a way to stay with a police department.

Town Administrator Carl McKinney said how costly it was to train officers, and once they are trained, they move on to higher paid jobs elsewhere with more hours.

Board member Andrews we just don’t have the money to attract candidates. Chief is like the Swiss army knife of our town.

Kyle Hurlbut supported the police department noting they are always there for the residents. State Police are not always available. He noted that if the town wants services, it will be at a cost to the taxpayers.

Chairman Bob Norcross said with a budget of $104,000 it will not lower taxes.

Tom Bona was wondering what we receive in tickets. The Chief said it was about 50% of the fine, Colton said it was pennies on the dollar.

Board member Dan Haskins noted on man can’t do it all, it needs to be 1 full, one part-time and a full time Police Chief. That would put us in the range of $200,000

Carl McKinney said we can band aide it until town meeting and put it to the voters. He has had conversations with the Chief about working part-time.

Chairman Norcross was concerned when a domestic issue happens, he worries about the quickness.

Chip Chesbro wondered about a part-time Police Chief. The Administrator noted that he was not sure, there are so many police mandates out there. Tom Bona asked if the applicant must live in town, and they do not.

Board member Colton said we may be scraping to keep the police department. He asked the Chief what the salary range would they be looking at. The Chief said between $70 and $90 thousand. Member Dan Haskins suggested they get an ad out and see what they get. Colton said we know the problem-go for it and band aide it until town meeting. Colton also asked about the qualifications needed. The chief said with all the new police reform he would have to check. Chairman Robert Norcross said they should get the posting out next week with member Dan and Colton in agreement.

They asked the Chief if he would consult and transition with the new person, of course he is willing to help during that period.

Town Administrator said the audit is moving along, they will be here on Friday.

Kyle Hurlburt from DPW gave an update on what is happening. Truck one is being repaired under warranty, truck 2 is 90% put back together and they are looking to purchase with chapter 90 money a new excavator. A new employe for the department has not been hired yet. Work is going to begin by Berkshire Gas on North Houghton Street.

Chairman Bob Norcross thanked Tom Bona for all his work on the school lift project. He put in many hours overseeing the project. When they started the lift, it was not working, but they will be back on the 16th to make it right.

Chairman Bob gave an update on the Community/Senior Center noting the septic was pumped and the generator was tuned up. He also presented the list of the board members from the director. On motion of Colton, duly seconded by Dan it was voted to approve the members, with Chairman Bob abstaining.

Chairman Norcross asked Carl to give an update on the new OSHA regulations. He noted the new regulations are for the fire company and it will have an impact on the services and will come at a cost.

Town Administrator Carl McKinney noted after the last storm it is important that the town look into generators for the town building. Basically, it would be Town Hall, DPW and the School. Member Colton suggested to explore the options, and it may be cheaper to purchase all three at the same time.

Chairman Bob Norcross presented the warrant for the State Primary Election to be held on September 3rd from 7:00am to 8:00pm. On the motion of Colton, duly seconded by Dan it was voted to approve the warrant.

The chairman presented the list of appointment for 1 year. It was amended to add Carl McKinney as the Briggsville Water Chair for a three-year term.

Town Administrator Carl McKinney explained the error in the sewer bills, it was in the calculation, and it affected mostly three and four family homes. It has been corrected and it will be credited to the bills. The Chairman said there needs to be more communication to avoid this type of thing.

There were no warrants for the board to sign, no public comments so a motion to adjourn was in order.

On motion of Colton, duly seconded by Dan, the meeting was adjourned at 5:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted



Marilyn Gomeau

Town Clerk