Energy Initiatives
The Town of Clarksburg applied for and was awarded "GREEN COMMUNITY DESIGNATION" IN February 2017.
The Town received a $141,560 grant for the first of 5 awards toward becoming energy efficient, and reducing our energy consumption by 20% over a five year period. Projects currently underway include:
- Replacing an Elementary School Boiler with a new, modern energy efficient model.
- Retrofitting and replacing lighting at Town Hall with L.E.D. lighting to reduce electrical usage.
- Increase levels of insulation at Town Hall to reduce our heating oil consumption.
- Retrofitting/Replacing Streetlights throughout Town with L.E.D. lights. The Town will receive, upon completion $9,000 one time payment from National Grid, and is projected to reduce our electrical costs approximately $600 annually. Additionally, this effort will reduce our Streetlight-related Carbon Footprint by 56%!
Town-wide participation in the Berkshire Municipal Electrical Aggregation
In tandem with 9 other Towns and the City of North Adams, whereby we work together and bid our aggregate electricity purchases and bid them out. We currently have a 4 year contract which is 100% green energy, and priced at 10.7cents per Kwh until November 2021. This is done through Colonial Power Group. To opt in, or opt out you can call Colonial Power at : 1-(800)830-2944 or online at:
For questions or directions please contact your Town Official at 413 663 7940 EXT 9 and ask for Electrical Aggregation
We have replaced the Entry Door at the rear of Town Hall
It was very old and leaky. It is noticeably warmer in Town Hall as a result. We hope to replace two Entry Doors in the front of Town Hall when money is available to do so.