Selectboard Meeting - Dec. 2nd, 2024
- When:
- Mon December 2nd 2024 at 05:00 PM
- Where:
- Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions
- Open meeting
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Review and/or approve meeting minutes
- Appoint Animal Control Officer
- Set the Town Tax Rate
- MVP update
- Audit update
- Tree removal at Library
- Briggsville Water District Grant update
- Need for a full Board of Assessors going into reval
- Elementary School renovations
- Appoint Trish Wilson to the Agricultural Commission for a 1-year term
- Public comment
- Adjourn meeting
Present: Selectboard members Robert Norcross, Dan Haskins and Colton Andrews.
Chair Robert Norcross opened the meeting at 5pm
The pledge of allegiance was recited
Colton motioned to approve the minutes from 5/1/24 & 11/18/24, Dan second, motion carried. The minutes from 5/1/24 require Jeff Levanos signature.
Animal control: Dan motioned to appoint Diana Worth as Animal Control officer, Colton second, motion carried.
Assessor Emily Schilling needs a special meeting scheduled for next Monday 12/9/24 for the tax rate.
MVP update. Robert had a zoom meeting with the designer. The driveway would be out of scope for MVP. Robert has a meeting Thursday to discuss with the core group wetlands and safe routes.
The audit is still underway.
The trees were removed at the library.
Briggsville Water is meeting today with the federal government. There are forms that need to be filled out & time constraints. Carl was the project manager; he is still involved. Courtney Morehouse said she can help fill out the forms. Briggsville is private but the town receives money through MVP. Project scheduled for total completion 1/24/27 with new lines & shut offs including 49-thousand-gallon storage tank for water for the fire dept. The project total is approximately $500 thousand dollars. Colton asked if the town will be bidding on the project. Robert verified yes; designers must follow the proper procedure.
Kristen Elechko the governor’s director coming to Town Hall 12/11/24 at 11am to meet with Robert, Tom Bona & Carl. They will be discussing the school’s roof & needs. She questioned how many towns were involved in the PILOT program. Robert sent her all the information. There are approximately 10- 12 towns with 25% of land owned by the state. In Clarksburg the state owns 53% of the land.
The board appointed Trish Wilson to the Agricultural Commission for a 1yr term. Colton motioned, Dan second, motion carried.
The board of Assessors needs one more board member prior to the re val. Dan questioned if an employee or member of another committee can join. Robert will check into it. Dan may reach out to a couple people in the real estate business.
There were no public comments
Colton questioned receiving applications for the administrative position and how soon they want to handle them. Dan suggested reviewing them at Monday’s meeting. Colton hopes to move quickly for a peaceful transition. Carl is still able to re-apply. Robert will put it on the agenda. Colton wants to interview next Monday.
Dan motioned to adjourn, Colton second at 5:15pm.
Rachelle Bleau
Administrative Assistant
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Robert Norcross, Chair Dan Haskins Colton Andrews