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Selectboard Meeting - July 22nd, 2024

Mon July 22nd 2024 at 05:00 PM
Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


  1. Open meeting
  2. Library repairs update
  3. Accountants office moving update
  4. MVP update
  5. Update on shared services in NBSU and payment progress
  6. Update on DPW position
  7. Engineering update on North Houghton St
  8. Review and/or approve sale of cemetery lot Section D lot 33 two graves
  9. Review and/or approve appointments for FY25
  10. Executive Session regarding Police Dept contract
  11. Exit Executive Session
  12. Adjourn


Chair Robert Norcross opened the meeting at 5:00pm

Present were selectboard members Dan Haskins and Colton Andrews, Town Administrator Carl McKinney, DPW Foreman Kyle Hurlbut, Police Chief Michael Williams and Peter Gentile of Northern Berkshire Community Television.

The pledge was recited

The library roof has been repaired.  Carl has contacted the tree warden Jeff Williams regarding a tree that needs to be removed located near the transformer.

The accountant’s office has not yet been moved.  Chief Williams is packing up his office. 

MVP put a preliminary package together of several projects throughout the town including the DPW and pump house.

Florida & Rowe have paid their portion for the shared services.  Carl received the signed contract from Rowe.

Robert thanked Tax Collector/ Treasurer Kelly Ryan & all Town employees for their work on the shared services.

Kyle said they can put in for the Engineering for North Houghton St.  Kyle will be doing another walk through this fall. 

Kyle asked if the board was ok with him bringing the best candidates to the board.  CDL laws have changed.  Only 2 out of 10 applicants have their CDL.  Kyle said eventually they will be downsizing the trucks.  Dan recommended interviewing the top 2 candidates with the CDL.  Kyle said other towns are paying for CDL’s and the employee must sign a waiver to stay on 3 years after the training.  It’s approximately 7-8 thousand dollars for the CDL training.

Colton motioned to approve the sale of cemetery lot section D lot 33, 2 graves.  Dan second, motion carried.

Colton motioned to appoint Bill Meranti as the permanent building inspector, Dan second, motion carried.

Dan voted yes, Robert voted yes, Colton voted yes on a roll call vote to enter the executive session.

Police Chief Michael Williams joined the meeting.  September 20th will be his last day of work.  Dan met with the Mayor of North Adams Jenn Macksey, Chief Bailey, Chief Beverly and the recommendation was 6 new officers and have a cruiser in Clarksburg 24-7. The estimated cost for the contract is 3-4 hundred thousand dollars.  Chief Williams currently works 9:30 or 10:00am-closing time which can change daily and comes back around 6 depending on the evening calls Monday- Friday.  On Saturday & Sundays he’s on call till 6:00am for Emergency management.  Carl & Chief Williams went to an emergency management class in Williamstown, and they are looking to regionalize the management at some level.  Dan is contacting Lieutenant Gamari to inquire about MSP coverage.  MSP responds when they are available.  Cheshire has the same issues.  The school wanted a school resource officer & received funding for the position.  The school covers a major portion of the salary so that when school is not in session, they have an officer. Chief Williams said the Town does not need coverage 24-7.  Dan said they want drive throughs and covering calls.  Currently there is an agreement that if there is an emergency Chief Williams can be called to help for exchange help.   A police Chief must be employed for the mutual aid agreement.  Chief Williams recommended test running the MSP.  Currently the town only has 1 part time officer.  After 30 days Chief Williams could come back part time. Peter Kirchman is a full-time dispatcher for North Adams.  He works approximately 8 hours per week in Clarksburg.  Colton recommended preparing for a shutdown with practice runs.  Chief Williams would be willing to work possibly 15 hours per week while retired.  North Adams has animal control.  The police dept previously handled animal control.  Town Clerk Marilyn Gomeau will need someone to post the warrants and cover elections.  Dan explained how Florida, MA has a constable for those purposes.  They can do civil processes.  Legislation tried to cut constables out several years ago.  Constables have no police training.  To increase the budget there would have to be a special town meeting.   Chief Williams recommended putting a constable on for posting the warrants.  Dan is going to see if a constable is appointed or an elected position. Carl could draft a list of possible responsibilities if Chief Williams stayed on as a constable.  Chief Williams must find out about the sex offender registry and the License to carry applications.  State Police don’t take LTC’s. Currently Chief Williams can use the license pictures from the RMV for the LTC’s. The board agreed to do a test run. Chief Williams is on vacation in August.  Chief Williams informed the board his severance package needs to be separate from his paycheck.  Dan will meet with Lieutenant Gamari.

Carl would like to meet with Amalio Jusino & Chip Chesbro regarding Emergency Management.

Carl recommended getting proposals for the buildings and quotes.  The Senior Center generator doesn’t work. 

Someone will be needed for the alarm notifications at the Senior Center.

Robert called a roll call vote to exit the executive session. Colton voted yes, Dan voted yes, and Robert voted yes.

Robert motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:08pm.  Motion carried.



Rachelle Bleau,

Administrative Assistant