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Selectboard Meeting - Nov. 18th, 2024

Mon November 18th 2024 at 05:00 PM
Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room - Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions

  1. Open meeting
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Interview ACO candidate
  4. Select ACO or take under advisement
  5. Discuss Policing issues/funding/services
  6. Discuss opioid effort and Clarksburgs planWith Dick Alcombright and Amber Besaw
  7. MVP update
  8. Digital Equity Plan draft
  9. Audit update and distribution
  10. Update on North Houghton Street engineering
  11. Holiday Tree lighting at Veterans Memorial Field by VFW 12/01
  12. Update on Green Communities grant application
  13. Discuss and/or approve Employee Handbook updates
  14. DPW laborer position search
  15. Briggsville Dam/Carson Avenue erosion remediation update
  16. Tree removal at Library
  17. Briggsville Water District grant update
  18. Complete ABC paperwork
  19. Executive Session- contract negotiations


Chair Robert Norcross opened the meeting at 5:00pm

Present were Selectboard members Dan Haskins and Colton Andrews, Town Administrator Carl McKinney, DPW foreman Kyle Hurlbut, Kelly Haskins, Amber Besaw of Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, Andy Ottoson of BRPC, Diana Worth, Tammy Daniels of iBerkshires, Peter Gentile of Northern Berkshire Community Television, Dick Alcombright and Meredith Starr of Northern Berkshire Community Coalition.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Vice chair Dan spoke of the town preferring to see the opioid funds used towards the school for prevention education.  Colton doesn’t want Clarksburg as a smaller community not benefiting from the proposed merger with other communities.  Dick Alcombright explained that the coalition is for substance abuse disorder treatment. The Rx heroin group was created of 24-30 people along with BRPC.  This group specializes in harm reduction, recovery centers and prevention.  The Healing Community study focused on 16 communities in Massachusetts. Dick represented North Adams.  North Adams was given money that had to be spent on harm prevention and treatment.  The organization consists of 169 members and has been fully funded for 5 years.  The goal is to fund one position to keep the coalition going.  17% of people nationwide have a substance abuse disorder.  The position would be housed locally in North Adams at NARH.  The previous money distributed has been within Northern Berkshire County.  If Clarksburg joins with the other communities to pool their resources, there is a seat & vote at the table.  Amber Besaw introduced herself to the board. She has worked in the community for 15 years specializing in substance abuse prevention.  Every 2 years children in N.B. County are evaluated (grades 10-12).  A group meets every month regarding youth, family & prevention.  Prevention is about environmental change.  Meredith Star youth prevention coordinator is developing a Pilot prevention education specifically with Drury.  The goal is to teach a health education curriculum and cover basic health education topics focusing on substance use prevention.  She is hoping to implement the program this spring.  The goal is to hire a full-time health educator, creating lasting family connections.  These programs and levels of prevention are already in place.  The importance is preventing youth from using substances in the first place.  Risk factors include protective factors.  The organization needs municipality support for grants. Colton referenced education from parents and family members.  Dick referenced social and emotional learning.  Robert referenced the children engaged in the MVP program and the importance of being active.  Dan approves of pooling the funds with the program.  He asked if Clarksburg School would be able to coordinate with the coalition to implement a program. Dick wants residents to represent communities.  Colton motioned to pool resources with the heal coalition, Dan second, motion carried.  Carl will contact Matt Andre at DOR regarding the funds.  The coalition verified May is fine for the release of the funds. 

 Diana Worth introduced herself to the board.  She is currently with the town of Florida and covers animal inspector.  She spoke regarding animal bites and the current protocol.  She resides on Florida Mtn.  She will not leave work for a barking dog call.  She will leave if the State Police call.  She will respond to loose dogs bothering people.  She currently gets a once per year stipend.  She tracks her milage and any reimbursement for education.  Clarksburg does not have a holding kennel.  Florida Mtn offered to share their holding kennel.  Colton asked if they would work on a financial agreement for the use of the kennel.  She will check and get back to the board.  Colton asked what her stipend is.  She confirmed it’s $1,000.  She informed the board every call she takes includes an intake & report.  Robert asked how many times she’s called per year.  She currently gets a budget for badges and sweatshirts.  Dan inquired how the call process works.  Primarily it’s from the Cheshire barracks.  She’s been able to address most calls herself.  She has bite gloves, catch poles & bear spray.  Animals can be held for up to 7 days.  After 7 days they will be transported to the Berkshire Humane Society.  She will discuss details of the shared kennel at the Wednesday Selectboard meeting.

Policing issues, funding & services.  Dan obtained the call logs from Chief Williams retirement date till present.  The State Police offers a detail service of 4-hour blocks to patrol the town.  The rate is approximately $55 per hour.  If a civilian is fined for speeding a portion of the fine will go to Clarksburg.  Colton feels until there is a substantial increase, to hold off.  Dan would like to see police presence on Middle Rd. regarding the speeding.  Carl will check the funds.  Animal control has its own allotted funds.  Robert would like to see at least 1-2, 4-hour blocks.  Dan will get more information pertaining to the details.  Colton motioned to move forward in obtaining state police detail, Dan second, motion carried.  A resident wants to know if a board can be formed regarding what will happen with the police department.  The board said if it’s necessary it would benefit in the spring. 

The board was presented with the revised Employee handbook.  Kyle sent recommendations regarding 3 hours minimum pay for DPW employees when they are called in after hours.  Kyle consulted local communities and many of the towns have a 3hr minimum.  Kyle referenced snow removal, water main breaks and salt runs can take 2 hours, possibly more.  Kyle recommended a stipend of $1,000. For DPW employees due to the mandatory on call/ overtime.  Roberts was concerned that an employee could leave after receiving their stipend.  Colton recommended looking at the breakdown of overtime generated with the weather.   Dan verified that call ins are paid at time and a half.  Colton asked if Kyle could figure out a different breakdown of the stipend possibly is separate increments.  Sunday holiday pay was left out of the draft.  Clothing allowance increased due to inflation from $250 for boots & gloves and OCEA safety gear is provided by the DPW.  Dan would like to see the wage scale revised.  Kyle had recommended a comp day for emergency closing when an employee is required to work.  Colton recommended coming back with a revised compensation package.  Kelly clarified the floating holiday for example when Town Hall is closed & the DPW must work.  Robert would prefer something in compensation.  Kelly referenced the sick time starting immediately.  Employees can’t control when they are sick.  Colton motioned to approve the handbook as amended, Robert second, Dan abstained, motion carried.  Carl & Kelly clarified the time & half and that it needs to be approved with an expiration date to use the comp time acquired.  Colton motioned to accept the policy as submitted, Robert seconded, motion carried.

Dan said two other towns that had the most DPW applicants were on  The board would like to see a 4th employee on the DPW.  Kyle is hoping for the new truck by Thanksgiving.

MVP update:  They met about reviewing and refining designs for the 4 corners area.  They are focusing on Town Field, safety and accessibility around the school and Senior Center with opportunities for feedback on recreation, flooding and improvements.  The engineer recommended a retaining wall with a rock stairway down to the river, taking the abutment out and possibly cutting some of the embankment.  Three concepts were presented and opinions combined.  A second listening session is scheduled for December 11, 2024. 

Digital equity plan is drafted.  The focus is on internet education.

Audit update:  Audit for FY 2023 is complete.  The report was given to the Selectboard.  The audit recommends putting away 2% of each year’s free cash into OPEB (other post-employment benefits) the non- pension benefits provided to retirees.  If the fund reaches a threshold of approximately 19 thousand, 70% of interest is not principal applied to retirement cost, saving the town money.  Robert agreed with the recommendations.  Kelly informed the board that currently $500 is being put in yearly.  A policy should be in place by next financial year.  Berkshire Community Retirements cost will be decreasing. 

The Holiday Tree lighting is Saturday December 1, 2024, 6pm, at the Clarksburg Town Field.

Green Communities Application has been submitted for heat & AC at the school.  It will take three rounds of grants to complete the project for heat pumps.  Colton questions if other grants can be combined if available, Carl verified yes.

Tree removal at the library is scheduled for next week.

Briggsville Water needs to select a designer through federal procurement.  Courtney Morehouse from Berkshire Regional Planning was consulted. 

The Selectboard signed the ABCC census form. 

Robert motioned at 6:30pm to enter the executive session.  The Selectboard took a roll call vote Robert yes, Colton yes and Dan yes. 

The board entered negotiations for Carl’s contract.  Robert asked if the language was different from the previous.  Carl is requesting 3 weeks of vacation.  Carl is getting worn down.  The salary schedule is faulty.  A replacement of Carl would be more expensive.  His heart and soul are into the town dealing with the problems/ issues that plague the town.  The position consists of ups and downs.  Hazard mitigation and MVP were implemented by Carl.  He has worked hard laying out the means for solar effort.  Colton asked if Carl expected to be at the town Hall for another 3 years.  Carl confirmed yes, 3 years.  Colton does not oppose the increase of at least 75 thousand if not 80.  Colton recommended posting the position and letting him re apply.  Carl is opposed to re applying for his position.  Dan asked what Carl’s current salary was.  Carl verified $63,000.  Robert checked into the other towns’ averages.  Robert is not opposed to the increase if the hours are not decreased. Colton referenced the history of hiring of a grant writer and previous opposition.  Carl believes the animosity from Barret has to do with the sewer issues historically.  Robert & Carl attended the meeting today In North Adams regarding the northern tier train.  Robert was opposed to a grant writer.  Carl’s concern is the implementation that needs to follow through after the grants are received.  Dan feels on a part-time basis could help with the paving grants, someone with experience could be helpful.  Carl is not opposed.  Robert spoke of Carl’s history of the town is very knowledgeable.  Robert referenced communication with employees and the importance of following up.  Colton wanted to increase the salary to look towards the long term and see what other options are moving forward.  Dan is not opposed to the posting of the job with the salary increase and is concerned with the toll the job is taking on him.  Robert believes the town has come a long way.  Colton is not opposed to the $75 thousand salary.  Colton is in favor of approving the $75 thousand and posting the job, Dan agreed, Robert disagreed.  Carl informed the board if the job is to be posted he will not be applying.  Carl is not willing to have his contract extended by one year.  Dan is uncomfortable with a 3yr contract.  Robert is concerned with the aftermath of not approving Carl’s contract.  Robert is concerned if Carl doesn’t apply, and they don’t approve his contract who will do his work.  Robert referenced Safe Routes & MVP grants with final designs. Colton motioned to not renew Carl’s contract.   Dan said he would re-consider the cost and a one-year contract with re assessing this fall.  Carl would not agree to $72 thousand on a one-year contract.  Colton motioned to not renew Carl’s contract, Dan Second, Robert nay, motioned carried.  Roll call vote to end executive session Colton yes, Robert yes, Dan yes at 7:20pm.



Rachelle Bleau, Administrative Assistant




___________________________     ____________________________     ______________________________

       Robert Norcross, Chair                         Dan Haskins                                          Colton Andrews