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Selectboard Meeting - Oct. 21st, 2024

Mon October 21st 2024 at 04:00 PM
Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


  1. Open Meeting
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Review and/or approve meeting minutes
  4. Interview Candidates for Animal Control Officer
  5. MVP update
  6. Opioid effort coordinating with other Communities
  7. Employee Handbook updating
  8. Former Police Chief filling open roles in PT capacity
  9. Library heater
  10. Library Tree removal
  11. School Green Communities effort
  12. Emergency generator(s) for Town Hall
  13. North Houghton Street engineering update
  14. MASSWORKS GRANT FOR Master Plan +
  15. MASSWORKS grant for Briggsville Water District
  16. Digital Equity effort update
  17. Bulky Waste Collection held 10/12
  18. Forsythia removal for safety
  19. Update on Audit
  20. Appoint Constable
  21. Appoint Constable for Elections
  22. Appoint EM Director & Asst Treasurer
  23. Review and/or approve Liquor License and Entertainment License for Golden Eagle Restaurant
  24. Review and/or approve warrants
  25. adjourn


Chair Robert Norcross opened the meeting at 4pm.

Present were Selectboard members Dan Haskins and Colton Andrews, Town Administrator Carl McKinney, Tax Collector/ Treasurer Kelly Haskins, Michael Williams, Kim Witek and Tammy Daniels of iBerkshires.

The pledge of allegiance was recited

MVP update:  It’s very important to show up at the MVP meetings.  There are many grants available. 

Kim Witek joined the meeting to interview for the animal control officer.  She covers Adams, Cheshire & Savoy.  She works 6am-1pm for Adams and part time for the 2 other towns.  Kim has a contract with the part time towns.  She lives on the boarder of Clarksburg & N. Adams.  Carl informed her we do a stipend & expenses.  The Chief explained most of the calls received in the past.  Clarksburg does not have a kennel.  She recommended talking to Adams, that’s what Cheshire currently does.  She has her Rabies vaccine & has done all her completed courses.  Dan asked Mike if the state police were notified several times and if it was persistent.  Mike said she could receive calls for a simple call like dog barking.  Clarksburg’s Bylaws are consistent with the state’s laws.  She is willing to discuss a stipend issue.  Clarksburg has 2 catch poles & 2 cages.  There are no bite gloves.  $ was budgeted through the board of health for the barn inspections.  More than 4-5 dogs must have a kennel license which requires inspections.  Currently there is only one licensed kennel in Clarksburg.  Only an animal inspector can issue an animal quarantine.  The animal inspector can only be issued by the board of health and is separate from animal control.  She asked if she ever had a bad dog case, would someone from the board be willing to assist her.  The board said they will discuss the issue.

Robert believes the county can have a positive impact on opioids by working together.  Robert is not against harm reduction like Spectrum and Narcan.  He isn’t seeing anything going towards prevention education.  Colton referenced his experience with recovery specialists in the industry and work force.  Colton agreed education is needed in schools.  Speakers and assemblies could be helpful.  Dan agrees, keep the money local for the town for education.  If they contributed combining money for speakers that could be negotiable.

Kelly has been updating the employee handbook.  Carl, Kelly & Kyle met and reviewed the handbook.  The new handbook has been received by all employees for review.  The Selectboard may review the changes in the handbook prior to the next scheduled meeting.

The board asked if Mike Williams would be part-time, Administrative Police Chief, Assistant Treasurer, Constable and Emergency Management.  Colton inquired about the status of the sex offender registry.  The Chief believes that legally it must be covered by law enforcement.  Kelly asked how the position would be budgeted and if an increase would be needed for next year.   With his position being Administrative Police Chief, the board verified this would be covered under the police department budget.  Dan asked if the Chief would be on an on-call basis or certain hours or setting for License to Carry renewals.  The Chief informed the board he may schedule hours during some evenings for the renewals.  He will need access to the computer in North. Adams.  The board recommended appointment only.  The Chief would prefer once a week in the evenings.  12-15 hours per week / 3 days per week.  Robert referenced the files and room that needs to be cleaned out if the Chief has downtime if those issues could be addressed.  If the work does not amount to 15 hours, it can be adjusted accordingly.  His previous pay was $32.50.  They made a motion to appoint Mike as admin police chief/ constable, Dan second, motion carried.  Colton motioned to appoint Chief Williams for elections, Dan second, motion carried. 

Adams plumbing & heating inspected the library heater.  The heater is working but the blower is not.  The school’s furnaces are the heating source for the heat pump.  The heat pump is a 3-year project. 

Two bids have been received and Carl is waiting on one more for the tree removal at the library. 

The School Green Communities grant was applied for.  Carl spoke regarding school closures nationwide due to heating/ cooling issues.  The school currently has no air conditioning.  The proposal would be for heat pumps that provide heat & air conditioning.

An emergency generator for the Town Hall may be purchased with ARPA funds.

The engineering for North Houghton St. is still underway.

Briggsville Water District received $140,000. grant to match $450,000. master/ open space/ recreational grant the Planning Board will oversee.

The town did not get grant funding for paving South Middle Road, the retaining wall on Cross Road or the joint application to work on water and sewer lines with North Adams on Millard Ave and Southernview Drive.

The Digital equity grant will give access to knowledge of online computer usage.  It is still in the planning stage. 

The 23rd Bulky waste was held on 10/12/24 at the Towns DPW.  $710 was raised towards the school roof effort.  Approximately $1,000.  Will be added to the fund from the returned scrap metal.

The bush at Town Hall was removed.  It was obstructing the view of the community sign. 

The audit is in its final stages

Colton motioned to approve the renewal of the liquor/ entertainment/ Sunday entertainment, Dan second, motion carried.

There was no public comment.

Robert motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:05pm, motion carried.







Rachelle Bleau, Administrative Assistant




_____________________________    _________________________    __________________________

         Robert Norcross, Chair                        Dan Haskins                                 Colton Andrews