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Selectboard Meeting - Oct. 7th, 2024

Mon October 7th 2024 at 05:00 PM
Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


  1. Open meeting
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Review and/or approve meeting minutes
  4. Review and/or approve sewer line separation for property located at 222 Cross Rd
  5. Community Compact grant for microgrid RFP development
  6. Discuss ARPA fund balance and uses
  7. Discuss meeting with Library and repair needs
  8. Discuss tree removal at Library
  9. Discuss Green Communities application for Elementary School
  10. Review and/or approve Election warrant
  11. Appoint an interim Constable for warrant posting
  12. Reminder of Bulky/Electronic collection for 10/12/24 at DPW yard
  13. Update on DPW Laborer search
  14. Discuss potential Animal Control Officer candidate interview(s)
  15. Discuss employee handbook updating process
  16. Discuss payscale revisions
  17. Review and/or approve warrants
  18. Adjourn


Chair Robert Norcross opened the meeting at 5:00pm.

Present were Selectboard members Dan Haskins and Colton Andrews, Town Administrator Carl McKinney, Tax Collector/ Treasurer Kelly Haskins, Mark Denault and Peter Gentile from NB Community Television.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The board reviewed the 222 Cross Road sewer line separation at The Martel house.  They will have to go to the zoning and planning board.  The buildings are connected by a breezeway and there is only one sewer line for two buildings.  Colton motioned to approve the review of a second sewer line, Dan seconded, motion carried.

Carl gave an update on the Community contact grant for a solar array at the old landfill.  The only available option is a micro grid.  It would require a 20yr rental agreement on use of the land. Metering credits to the residents’ electric bills may be an option.  It would bring in a non-property tax revenue stream.  Clarksburg would be working in tandem with BRPC (Berkshire Regional Planning Commission).  The adjacent 15 acres of land could possibly be used for larger panels. 

Taking down the trees at the library is not allowed with the ARPA funds.  The library needs a heater, and the Town Hall does not have a generator.  Carl has reached out to contractors for a price on a heater.  A balance of approximately $20,000. Is left in ARPA funds.  Carl has not reached out to an electrician.  A crane will be needed to take the tree down at the library.  Tom Bona is willing to remove the rot at the library voluntarily and for free.  If he is appointed as a special municipal employee, the town’s liability insurance will cover for him to do the work.  The board thanked Tom for all his previous work.

Green Community Application for the school.  Carl is working with the planning commission.  The school has no air conditioner.  There is a statewide push to install heat pumps which include air conditioning.  The goal for the grant is November. 

The board reviewed the election warrant which included 6 questions.  Colton motioned, Dan second, motion carried.  The board signed the warrant.

The board appointed Carl as an interim constable to post the warrant.  Colton motioned to appoint Carl McKinney as interim constable, Dan second, motion carried.

The Bulky electronic waste collection is this Saturday 10/12/24 at the Clarksburg DPW 714 W Cross Rd.  Details can be found on the town’s website.

The DPW labor search continues.  Applicants have been minimal.  The starting salary is $20/ hour.  Kelly spoke regarding Cheshire’s recent study regarding wages and recommended Carl reach out to them.

There are 2 candidates for animal control.  Interviews are scheduled for October 21, 2024.

The Selectboard verified meetings are scheduled for the 1st & 3rd of the month excluding holidays.

The employee handbook is being revised by Kelly.  The prior handbook is 20 years old.  Kelly has been using the Town of Rowes handbook as a reference.  The changes are primarily with vacation, sickness and comp time.  There is a calculated breakdown of an employee’s hours worked per week.  The comp time is currently at time and a half.  The board agreed the probational period for new employees should be 3 months.  Sick time is by financial year and other time is based on date of hire.  Robert believes an employee’s Anniversary date should be used for personal days.  The board agreed to change the sickness time to anniversary date.  The board agreed that comp time should not be paid out at time and a half if an employee works under 40 hours/ week.   Reimbursement for breakfast, lunch and dinner was increased to breakfast $10, lunch $20 and dinner $30.  Prior breakfast was $5, lunch $10 and dinner $17.50   Vacation time after Anniversary date has changed. Sick time reimbursement pay changed to $50/day and can only be paid back at retirement.  Robert questioned if a percentage of paying back sick time is better than a set amount and referenced the town of Cheshire’s current policy.  Several towns & the state have no limit pertaining to sick time accumulation.  Currently the town employees get 10 sick days per financial year.  After 10 years of employment throughout the town and being of age 55 employees are eligible for retirement.  The board decided to pay $50/day with 50 days of carryover for sick time at retirement.  Colton motioned to accept the edits to the employee handbook that will take effect immediately. 

Carl is working on pay scale revisions, pertaining to the DPW. 

Robert motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6pm, motion carried.



Rachelle Bleau, Administrative Assistant




__________________________     __________________________    ____________________________

     Robert Norcross, Chair                        Dan Haskins                                     Colton Andrews