Selectboard Meeting - Sept. 16th, 2024
- When:
- Mon September 16th 2024 at 05:00 PM
- Where:
- Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions
- Open meeting
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Review and/ or approve minutes
- MVP update
- Digital Equity update
- Library Tree removal update
- Audit update
- DPW position update
- Covid sick pay (End it?)
- Sewer disconnection process informing No. Adams
- LED street light update
- Enter Executive Session considering applicants for position of Police Chief as an open meeting may have detrimental effect in obtaining a qualified candidate.
- Exit Executive Session
- Police Chief discussion
- Public comments
- Review and/ or sign warrants
- Adjourn
Present were Selectboard members Dan Haskins and Colton Andrews, Town Administrator Carl McKinney, Peter Kirchman, Police Chief Michael Williams, Peter Gentile of Northern Berkshire Community Television and Tammy Daniels of I Berkshires.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
MVP update. Robert & Carl have attended several meetings. Where the floodplain is located there are some issues that could be costly to fix. They would rather concentrate on the Town Field. Mass DOT told the designer they will cover the road part of the project and MVP can deal with the field. There is the possibility of making the dirt driveway a trail wide enough and black toped and gating off the trail.
The digital equity forum was held this past Saturday. There is money allotted for Clarksburg. An internet upgrade and computers are needed at the Library & Senior Center.
Carl took pictures of the tree @ the library & sent them to National Grid.
The audit still working its way through FY24
Applicants are still being reviewed for the DPW position. They may have to re-advertise.
Robert would like to end the policy for covid sick pay. Dan referenced the state terminating covid pay March 15, 2022. Colton agreed. Dan motioned, Colton second, motion carried.
North Adams is not being informed of sewer disconnections. Kyle issues the permit, witnesses it and processes it. There was only one last year per Carl. There was a question of one house having one sewer line not two. The board would like North Adams to be notified immediately regarding disconnections.
30 watts for LED streetlights is not an option. Carl chose the 25 watts. National Grid will be replacing the lights for free & the town will save money.
Colton motioned to enter executive session. Dan second, motion carried.
Tammy Daniels asked why the board was entering into executive session. The board stated there may be making an offer and will be speaking about the applicants. The board decided to keep the meeting as an open session.
The board previously interviewed 3 candidates for the Chief of police position. An agreement with NA is not feasible due to the cost. Two of the candidates live too far away. The officer from Clarksburg needs more qualifications. The board asked for Chief Mike Williams’ opinion. The Chief heard from the attorney, and it states until the Clarksburg officer gets his 2400 hours, he can only work part time. The Chief said if the town goes to State Police, we will lose our mutual aid agreement, and the North Houghton St. project would have to contact State Police for detail. The company determines who they will use for detail. The board is concerned with LTC renewals and elections. If there is no police department the board will have to appoint a police chief under an administrative role for signatures and issuing. The board asked if the Chief would be able to perform these duties’ part time. Robert is concerned with Emergency Management. If the town must rely on State Police, they will have to designate a resident as a director. The board asked if it fit within the administrative status and if the Chief was able to cover that role as well. The Chief said his last day is Friday and he cannot perform any public work till October 15, 2024, and on the 15th, he will be at a trial. He can discuss pay and details with Carl prior. The town will need an animal control officer. They will have to be certified. The officer would have to be an animal inspector as well, appointed by the BOH. They could receive a stipend weekly pay and then pay for inspections. Carl will reach out to other animal control officers. Robert is concerned about the availability and response to domestic violence calls and power outages for residents on oxygen. The Chief has always been attentive to those issues. Colton recommends exploring the State Police coverage for an interim. Dan presently doesn’t see any good alternative. He asked about the Chiefs current coverage. The Chief is mostly on call Monday through Friday. The department covers 75% and the state police 25%. The Chief informed the board that most communities appoint constables for elections. Typically, the Chief & Pete cover the elections, splitting the day. The board would have to appoint constables. Criminal records need to be considered. The Chief will have to call the sex offender registry board. Administrative police chief is a civilian role. Carl asked if The Chief is admin police can he have an officer under his supervision? Currently officer Kirchman works approx. 5 hours per week between paperwork & patrolling. The board asked if Pete wanted to be a constable. The board thinks he did a great job interviewing and has a strong interest in the town. The Mayor of North Adams would like to be informed during this process due to the impact it will have. The Chief met with the mayor and other officials. He will be escorting a WWII Pvt. First Class Erwin Shaftsbury King from the airport for his burial. There will be a wreath ceremony in front of the War Memorial at Clarksburg Town Hall approximately 3pm Friday. The board verified Chief will notify dispatch when his shift ends Friday as Friday will be his last day. Colton motioned Clarksburg police Dept will suspend operations until further notice, Dan second, motion carried. Negotiations will take place prior to the next select board meeting. The Chief will contact the State Police and the chief of North Adams. The Chief will not have access to the state computer so he may need to go to a neighboring town.
There were no public comments
Robert motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:50pm, motion carried.
Rachelle Bleau, Administrative Assistant
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Robert Norcross, Chair Dan Haskins Colton Andrews