Selectboard Meeting - June 14th, 2023
- When:
- Wed June 14th 2023 at 01:00 PM
- Where:
- Town Hall Administration Office
111 River Rd
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions
- Open meeting
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Review and/or approve minutes
- Review and/or approve Annual Town Meeting minutes
- Vote Selectboard Officers (Chair/ First Vice Chair/Second Vice Chair
- Meet w/Planning Board on appointment of new member to Planning Board
- FY24 Municipal Appointments
- Review and/or approve Sewer Commitment to the Treasurer for payment to North Adams
- Interest on incorrect billing waiving
- Discuss/review and/or approve resolution regarding mattresses and paint products
- Discuss and/or approve Historical Commission tag sale with location
- Discuss and plan formation of Agricultural Commission
- Discuss and appoint members to the 225 Committee (formality)
- Cross Road Bridge
- Update on Millard ave auction
- Discuss recent heavy rainstorm and town-wide effects
- Assessing plan moving forward
- Visiting/measuring and inspecting each house over next 2.5years
- School Lift
- Meeting with State Officials
- Middle Road update
- BRPC agreement to apply for net-zero emissions for Muni Bldgs
- Grants (MVP/Digital Equity/MTWP/Broadband/MASSWorks /EMPG/ etc…
- 225 Committee
- Website
- Peter Cooke Memorial Field Pavillion rental
- Discuss meeting times
- Discuss, view and/or approve relocation of AA to lobby
- Unfinished business