Selectboard Meeting - Dec. 16th, 2024
- When:
- Mon December 16th 2024 at 05:00 PM
- Where:
- Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room - Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions
- Call to order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Minutes: Suggested Motion: Motion to approve minutes from Selectboard Meeting December 2 and 9th, 2024.
- MVP update
- Status of ARPA funds
- Status of School Roof repairs
- Review and/or approve Opioid Agreement with the Northern Berkshire Coalition
- Discuss renovation or relocation of town administrator's office
- Update of Spectrum Cable contract
- Interview candidates for Town Administrator position
- Discuss and set date and time for a Public Hearing petitioned by National Grid
- Public comments
- Adjourn
Meeting Minutes
Selectboard Meeting 12.16.24
Chair Robert Norcross opened the meeting at 5pm
Present were Selectboard members Dan Haskins, Colton Andrews, Town Clerk Marilyn Gomeau, Tax Collector/ Treasurer Kelly Haskins, Peter Gentile of NBCT, Tammy Daniels of iBerkshires, Animal Control Officer Diana Worth, Brianna Malloy, School Principal Sandy Cote and Kenneth Ward.
The pledge of allegiance was recited
Diana Worth asked the board if there was a supply budget for animal control. Robert can get the information for her. Michael has some equipment for animal control. She had her 1st call and had to do a report. She will file a copy with the administrator. She needed a form signed & faxed for the state of MA.
The school roof is leaking severely. The town cannot afford a brand-new school. Kristen Elechko is checking on funding. Two classrooms have sprung leaks. The custodian was chopping ice on the roof today and found that water got into an exhaust pipe. Colton believes drastic action needs to be taken on the roof. Dan agrees with Colton regarding renovations. Dan will investigate patching it in the meantime.
Kenneth Ward presented to interview for the Administrator position. Kenneth is from Becket, MA. He graduated from Norwich University and holds a juris doctorate from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School of Law. He currently works for Williamstown in the IT department. Has experience with grant writing & is not afraid to ask for help. Robert asked if he had any experience working with budgets. He has been involved in formulating budgets. Robert informed Ken how overwhelming it can be working for a small town. He has experience working in stressful situations. Colton asked if he could respond to an emergency in a timely manner being he resides in Becket. Dan asked how he has supported the municipal staff in Williamstown. He verified mostly IT. He has previously served on a Zoning board, Planning Commission, and School Board. His first approach when things need to be fixed is how he can fund it. Robert informed him the town has a contract with BRPC for grant writing/ one step program has made grant writing much easier. He asked what would be the hardest about the open position. Colton referred to the crumbling infrastructure. Dan referred to the limited budget & grants are the only way to get projects done. Robert referenced select board members come & go. The administrator answers the selectboard, which can be difficult. He is a law school trained attorney, familiar with MA general law. The board thanked him for his time.
Brianna Malloy presented to interview for the Administrator position. She was raised and resides in Clarksburg. She looks forward to seeing new growth in the county & community. She has a bachelor’s degree from UMASS in Amherst and will have a master’s in business administration from MCLA in the spring. She is looking to learn as much as she can. She does not have municipal experience but currently she is employed with MA Hire. Robert asked if she planned on staying around and she verified yes. Colton asked about her experience with grant writing. Brianna oversaw four or five different grants in managing workforce programs at Lever and now administers a $2 million three-year planning grant for Masshire. Brianna stressed the importance of communication while managing grants. Dan asked if she had any experience in MA general law in the work environment. She knows a little, has taken business law & public policy classes. Robert asked how she handles things when overwhelmed. She has several times had to jump into situations with little guidance and tries to learn as much as possible. Robert informed her when emergencies arise the town relies on the Administrator. Colton asked what her feelings were regarding the school. She is interested in seeing what strengths and opportunities the town has. She hopes that the school can remain. Dan asked if she has experience working with budgets. Brianna has developed and modified and maintained several budgets throughout the grant process. She asked about what opportunities they see for growth in the town. Colton believes it’s a destination for younger families for school. Housing availability is limited. The process for people to relocate and build in Clarksburg should be made as easy as possible to increase population. Dan believes there should be more availability. Industrial and Commercial opportunities are difficult. Maintaining infrastructure. Robert stressed the importance of keeping the classes small at the school. The board thanked her for her time. Robert asked how much of a notice she would have to give. Brianna said 2 weeks minimum, and she would prefer to work Fridays with MA Hire until they find a replacement.
MVP update: MVP held its listening session. They discussed plans for the basketball court, parking lot and overflow at town field. The final design/ dinner will take place February.
ARPA funds update: Carl is still having difficulty obtaining access through the portal. Fire Warden Chip Chesbro is trying to get Carl back on the account, so he has access. They are working with the state to resolve the situation. Dan said this needs to be a top priority. Funds need to be allocated by 12/31/24. Colton suggested a temporary solution for the school roof. Dan mentioned the prior suggestion for a generator at Town Hall, security upgrades, possibly a keyless entry for employees. Robert will work with Carl regarding access to the ARPA funds account.
Colton motioned to approve the opioid agreement as written, Dan second, motion carried. The board signed the agreement.
Spectrum Cable contract update: Mayor Jennifer Macksey recommended updating the internet quality at town hall, the school, DPW and 50+ Center. Robert will be attending two meetings in January.
Update for Town Administrator office. Dan received a suggestion from an employee that the prior police department office could serve as the office for the Administrator. It is ADA compliant. Colton would be fine with moving the office downstairs. Dan verified there is $4,800 in an encumbrance account that can be used for repairs if needed.
National Grid/ Verizon are requesting a public hearing for the installation of poles on Pine Ave. The board set the public hearing for Wed 1/22/23 at 5pm.
The board agreed Monday 12/23/24 will be the next meeting.
Colton to approve minutes as written, Dan second, motion carried.
Colton Motion to adjourn at 6:09, motion carried.
Rachelle Bleau
Administrative Assistant