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MVP Planning Committee Meeting - Oct. 3rd, 2024

Thu October 3rd 2024 at 03:30 PM
Clarksburg Community Center
712 W Cross Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


  1. Meeting Start
  2. Review Past minutes
  3. Project Update: Carson Ave Bank Erosion
  4. Project Update: Briggsville Water District
  5. Project Update: Four Corners
    • Administrative Item- match update
    • Finalize Oct 29th Community event
    • Review Outreach Materials
    • Assign Outreach Tasks
  6. Other items
  7. Next Meeting – Thursday, 11/7

09-10-2024 Meeting Minutes:


Bob Norcross, Select Board
Lauren Norcross, Council on Aging
Clebe Scott, Conservation Commission
Jim Brandon, Geologist
Susan Brandon, Historical Commission
Emily Rosselli, Teacher
Doone Mackay, local land owner
Courteny Morehouse, BRPC


The meeting started at 3:32 pm.  

The past meeting minutes were presented. B. Norcross motioned to approve the minutes, which L. Norcross seconded.

Carson Ave Bank Erosion project update:

  1. Norcross proposed the solution for lowering the floodplain, and adding cribbing would be a good way to start a conversation with residents in the abutting Condos to the proposed site. C. Scott suggested reaching out to Police Chief Williams, who is the exiting president of the HO Association, and also noted that there are approximately 12 families on Carson Ave. C.Morehouse will reach out to Chief Williams. C.Morehouse is still looking into funding sources to cover H+H Study and final designs.

Briggsville Water District project update:

At the last BWD meeting, the district voted for $120,000 loan will be using $30-$40,000 in reserves to pursue engineer. C.Morehouse reported that Sean Cronin from the State’s DLS Bureau was unable to provide match but will follow up with MassWorks and the Federal Funds Office.

Four Corners

Administrative: Committee members reported August’s match.

Updates: C.Morehouse reported that the quote provided from RDG for the $40,000 H+H study would not be feasible to secure within the remaining grant period.

    • Members provided updates on improvements around the school and inquired on Mass Trails for path from the school. B. Norcross noted that Mass DOT would cover sidewalk to Cross Rd and Senior Center. It was suggested that the final designs could incorporate a wide trail to be plowed in the winter and an access road to provide pick up and drop off around the school, which would further alleviate safety and traffic issues.
    • Morehouse presented the community outreach schedule and collected feedback on topics, dates, and meeting locations. The first workshop will be schedule for October 16th at the Senior center with a focus on basic wetland education and climate change.

Next Meeting

The next meeting was set for October 3rd  at 3:30pm.  
Meeting minutes recorded by Courteny Morehouse.


  • FY25 Community Engagement Outreach Schedule