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Select Board Meeting - Dec. 23rd, 2024

Mon December 23rd 2024 at 05:00 PM
Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


      1. Call to order
      2. Pledge of Allegiance
      3. Review and or motion to approve minutes dated 11/25/24 and 12/16/24
      4. Review and /or motion to approve the 3rd Quarter Fiscal Year 2025 Water/ Sewer Commitment to the Treasurer/ Tax Collector
      5. Status of ARPA funds & allocate the balance of funds
      6. Status of School roof repairs
      7. Discuss and/ or motion to appoint a new Town Administrator
      8. Public Comments
      9. Adjourn


    Chair Robert Norcross opened the meeting at 5pm.

    Present were Selectboard members Dan Haskins and Colton Andrews, Town Clerk Marilyn Gomeau, Peter Gentile of NBCT and Tammy Daniels of iBerkshires.

    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited

    Colton motioned to approve the minutes from 11/25/24 and 12/16/24 as written, Dan second, motion carried

    Colton motioned to approve the FY’25, 3rd Quarter Sewer Commitment as follows:

    Sewer; $101,234.37 Water; $3,020.  Totaling $104,254.3 Dan second, motion carried.

    ARPA funds: Matt Andre from the Department of Revenue, sent Carl an email with instructions.  He was able to work through the portal and encumber the funds.  There is approximately 24 thousand dollars left in funds.  Colton questioned the reference to April.  Coton found the reference that all funds must be documented for April 2025.  Robert plans on attending several zoom meetings regarding the navigation of grants.

    The school roof: The plan is to meet after the holidays.  Robert does not want to delay.  The board is requesting joint meetings with the school committee at the beginning of January.  Dan said there are no visible holes that can be patched.  Robert believes there was an ice buildup and water came through a vent.  Colton said the classrooms were a different issue.  Finally, the state is recognizing the issue.  Dan said the only issue could be a sealant which needs to be done in the spring/ summer.

    Town Administrator: Robert feels like Brianna would be able to step in with the grants.  Dan spoke of Ron & Brianna’s strong qualifications.  He feels like they are both capable of doing the job.  Dan feels Ron may be a better fit with his previous experience.  Colton was very impressed with Brianna’s interview.  Colton believes that Ron’s knowledge & experience with the challenging times ahead they should lean on experience.  He believes she would be a good option down the road with more experience under her belt.  Robert feels long term she will be better.  Her experience with grant writing is strong.  Robert mentioned working with Carl these past couple weeks and someone must focus.  Dan recommended some of the grant writing should be delegated.  Colton believes when she has the experience down the road, she will be a great candidate.  Dan referenced Ron having experience from being on the selectboard and finance committee.  Dan motioned to enter contract negotiations with Ron Boucher, Colton second, motion carried.  Colton mentioned the previous meeting with the salary raise.  Robert has the standard agreement for the town administrator so it’s just going over the agreement & salary.  Ron is available to start January 6th.   The board will meet at 9am on Friday the 27th for negotiations.

    Marilyn spoke regarding the budget, possibly the extra money from the police department could be used to get Brianna’s foot in the door for grants and possibly shadow Ron.

    Robert motioned to adjourn at 5:30pm, motion carried.

    A True Record Attest,

    Rachelle Beau

    Administrative Assistant