Select Board Meeting - Dec. 27th, 2024
- When:
- Fri December 27th 2024 at 09:00 AM
- Where:
- Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions
- Call to order
- Pledge of allegiance
- Roll call vote to enter executive session for contract negotiations
- Roll call vote to exit executive session
- Adjourn
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Robert Norcross at 9:00am, with Selectman Daniel Haskins present. Selectman Colton Andrews was absent. Ronald Boucher was also in attendance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Chairman Robert Norcross called for a motion to enter into executive session to discuss contract agreement with Ronald Boucher as Town Administrator.
On motion of Selectman Haskins, duly seconded by Chairman Norcross it was voted to enter into executive session.
Mr. Boucher asked the chair what meetings Mr. McKinney attended besides working in the office.
Chairman Robert Norcross noted that he attended the select board meetings, joint public hearing with the school committee, finance committee meetings, and meeting with the Mayor of North Adams, regarding the cable. Other meetings with State officials, and zoom meetings regarding grants. There is a lot of work involved in grants, which are very important to the town.
Ronald Boucher noted stability is important to the town to move forward. He said he was interested in a salary of $80,000 with the cost of living increase that the town employees receive. Mr. Boucher feels he is worth that salary and he would help the town.
Chairmen Robert Norcross said that the board had agreed on a salary of $70,000 to $75,000. The highest the town could offer would be $75,000, and he feels that is a reasonable salary. Mr. Boucher questioned what happened to the police budget. The Chairman said that he was still working for the town doing LTC’s and is the Assistant Treasurer who will help when the treasurer is out. The select board is hoping to use the rest of the Police Chief’s salary to bring the town employees salaries up to a more desirable pay. Mr. Boucher made another offer of $77,500 noting he believed it was not unreasonable. I believe in myself and I’m going to work hard for the town. Select board member Daniel Haskins said unfortunately the town does not have that in the budget and he feels the highest the town could offer would be $75,000, with the COL starting July 1, 2025. Ronald Boucher said he would accept the $75,000 with the COL in effect July 1, 2025, with a start date of January 13, 2025. Chairman Norcross said the only issue with the start date is there is a mandatory 1:00pm zoom meeting on the 9th of January for the Community Planning Grant and a joint meeting with the School Committee. Ronald Boucher said he could be available to attend both of those meetings.
Select board member Daniel Haskins motioned to amend the start date for Mr. Boucher to January 13, 2025, seconded by Robert Norcross.
Selectman Daniel Haskins motioned to amend the second sentence of the compensation to read he will receive a cost of living increase starting July 1, 2025 and for every year thereafter, equal to the employees in Town Hall, and accept the salary of $75,000, seconded by Chairman Norcross.
On motion of Selectman Daniel Haskins, duly seconded by Chairman Robert Norcross it was voted to accept the agreement as presented.
Mr. Boucher accepted the terms of the agreement and noted he would give the town five years.
On motion of Selectman Daniel Haskins, duly seconded by Chairman Robert Norcross it was voted the close executive session.
On motion of Selectman Daniel Haskins, duly seconded Chairman Robert Norcross it was voted to adjourn.
Adjourned at 9:46am
Respectfully submitted
Marilyn Gomeau
Town Clerk
Robert Norcross Daniel Haskins Colton Andrews
TERM: January 13, 2025 and January 13, 2028.
COMPENSATION: 2nd sentence to read he will receive the cost of living beginning July 1, 2025 and every year thereafter.