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Selectboard Meeting - Feb. 3rd, 2025

Mon February 3rd 2025 at 05:00 PM
Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room @ Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Review and or approve Town Clerk cost of living increase in place of charging fees
  4. Review and or approve Town Clerk petty cash
  5. School roof update
  6. OPEB update
  7. Review and or approve cost of living increase
  8. Review and or approve employee wages scale update
  9. Review and or approve auction of properties: 0 Morris Drive parcel # 207.0-0000-0162 and Lincoln Drive parcel #207.0-0000-0157
  10. Review and or approve Selectboard Meeting minutes
  11. Public comment
  12. Adjourn


Chairman Robert Norcross called the meeting to order with the following present, Robert Norcross, Dan Haskins, and Colton Andrews. Town Administrator Ronald Boucher also in attendance.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The Chairman presented a letter from the Town Clerk regarding reimbursement fees for the clerk. Chairman Robert Norcross read the letter for the record.

On motion of Selectman Colton Andrews, duly seconded by Selectman Dan Haskins it was voted to eliminate the reimbursement fees for the Town Clerk.

Chairman Norcross presented a letter from the Town Clerk regarding petty cash for the Town Clerk’s office. He explained the reason for this was many times the clerk does not have change for customers.

On motion of Selectman Colton Andrews, duly seconded by Selectman Dan Haskins it was voted to have $50.00 petty cash in the clerk’s office.

The Chairman asked Town Administrator to give an update on the School roof. Ron Boucher said MASS Building Association is doing a site walk through next Thursday the 13th at 1:00. We have eight bids from contractors with the bids closing on March 6th. He believes the town should put a non binding question on the ballot to see if there is enough support from the community to support a school project. He said there should be a couple informational meetings to discuss the needs of the school. Robert Norcross said there has already been so much done at the school, and I hate to think it was for nothing. We can’t afford to put all our money into the school, the town roads are falling apart and we cannot sacrifice the roads for a school. Selectman Andrews asked Mr. Boucher to check to see what a debt inclusion of 7 or 8 million would cost each tax payer. Selectman Haskins asked him to see what the percentage of the tax bill it would be. Ron Boucher was not even sure what our borrowing capacity would be and what the bond rating is. Selectman Andrews said as far as the roads go we will be receiving Chapter 90 monies. The Town Administrator said the grant process is easy but managing them is harder, we should never be returning any money from a grant. Selectman Colton Andrew believes in a new school noting the population has changed since the proposal was voted down by the town in 2017. Chairman Norcross objected the proposed noting investing $19 million would mean other town buildings and the roads would suffer.

The Board all agreed that the school roof needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. They feel the board needs to meet with the school union to discuss the future of the school.

Chairman Robert Norcross asked for an update on the OPEB. Town Administrator Ron Boucher said $3,500 a year of free cash should be allocated to the OPEB account. This relates to about 2% of free cash. Selectman Colton Andrews said every year this comes up in the audit.

Chairman Robert Norcross presented the cost of living for town employees and the new proposed wage scale update. Selectman Dan Haskins abstained from the agenda item.  Robert Norcross said Carl had started doing research on other towns to put Clarksburg in a desirable range. It has been difficult to fill some of the position in the town. Ron also echoed those thought as well. The administrator said it is important to bring the wage scale up to a standard where it is fair and competitive; this will be at a cost of around $50,000. The administrator noted the 3% was already factored into the new wage scale.The budget for the police department was about $104,000 a year and Mike Williams is working part time at a cost of $24,000, so the savings leaves enough to cover the raises. Ron Boucher also recommended the DPW foreman titled be changed to superintendent. 

On motion of Selectman Andrews, duly seconded by Chairman Robert Norcross it was voted to accept the compensation plan and the 3% COLA for part-time employees. Selectman Haskins abstained.

On motion of Selectman Andrews, duly seconded by Chairman Norcross it was voted to change the title of foreman for the DPW to superintendent.

Chairman Robert Norcross presented properties on Morris Drive and Lincoln Drive to be considered for auction.

Selectman Colton Andrews abstained since the parcels involved are related to him.

Town Administrator Ron Boucher noted that all the necessary paper work was already done and these properties have been in the town’s control for the past three years. Neither of these lots are building lots.

On motion of Selectman Haskins, duly seconded by Selectman Norcross it was voted to approve the auctioning of lot 162 located on Morris Drive, lot and lot 207 on Lincoln Drive.

Without objection the Chairman postponed the approval of the minutes until the next meeting.

Chairman Robert Norcross called for anyone wishing to speak during public comment, hearing none a motion to adjourn was in order.

On motion of Selectman Andrews, duly seconded by Selectman Haskins it was voted to adjourn at 5:36pm

Respectfully submitted

Marilyn Gomeau

Town Clerk



Robert Norcross                Dan Haskins                       Colton Andrews