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Selectboard Meeting - Jan. 22nd, 2025

Wed January 22nd 2025 at 05:00 PM
Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room - Town Hall
111 River Rd.
Clarksburg MA, 01247 Directions


  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Open National Grid public hearing for Pine Ave. utility poles
  3. Close public hearing
  4. Act on approving pole location on Pine Ave 
  5. Animal Control Officer update
  6. Agricultural Commission
  7. Berkshire County Retirement
  8. ARPA Funds
  9. School Roof update
  10. MVP and Safe Routes update
  11. Update on grants
  12. Town Administrator transition update
  13. Towns OPEB account
  14. Free cash update and when the accountants are to close out FY 24.
  15. FY 24 audit.
  16. Cost of living increase
  17. Budget update
  18. Review and or approved used auto license for Tom Rotolo
  19. Public comments
  20. Review and or approve minutes
  21. Adjourn


Present: Selectboard members Dan Haskins and Colton Andrews, Town Administrator Ron Boucher, Animal Control Officer Diana Worth, Agricultural Commission members Martha Tanner & Trish Wilson, Tax Collector/ Treasurer Kelly Haskins, Jen Lefebvre and Sarah Hurlbut.

Vice Chair Dan Haskins opened the public hearing at 5pm.

The pledge of allegiance was recited

National Grid presented for the installations of 2 poles on Pine Ave.  Dan informed National Grid the placement location is not a town road.  Haskins informed the National grid it was on the Dormans/ Nicholas property.  The barn is 40ft from the road.  Jennifer Lefebvre said it would not be an issue if the poles are on their property.  National Grid will obtain an easement for the property.  The board feels there is nothing to approve because it’s not on town property.  National Grid will consult with Legal.  Colton motioned to close the public hearing at 5:10pm, Dan second, motion carried. 

Diana Worth needs access to the animal control equipment.  The board recommended she contact Michael Williams.  She would like a sweatshirt stating Animal Control for identification purposes.  She asked the board what animal hospital is recommended for animal neglect cases and injuries.  Approval would be needed for an account at the hospital.  Chief Williams will be consulted to see as to what was done regarding similar situations in the past. 

Agricultural Commission: The Commission is recommending Clarksburg farmland of local importance through the US Department of Agriculture. The Town has farmland soils and land conserved through the state's Chapter 61 laws which include forest, agriculture, open space and recreation. The designation through USDA identifies good soil promoting agriculture.  The Agricultural Commission will be hosting an event series called Circle of Friends focusing on local herbs & medicine, gardening and a q & a session.  Sarah Hurlbut recommended hosting it at the Clarksburg Library after the Commission was informed by Lauren Norcross that the 60+ center was not an option for the event. 

Berkshire County Retirement: Kelly Haskins briefed the board regarding the billing of the other towns for Berkshire County Retirement. Colton made a motion for Kelly to issue the bills appropriately, Dan second, motion carried.

ARPA: Ron spoke regarding the difficulty signing into the ARPA website.  There is approximately $20 thousand allotted for a generator.  Carl had received a quote for a Generac generator for $50 thousand.  The board agreed they are comfortable with re-solicitating a new quote. Per Ron Kelly has re-issued the bill for $29,000 to the Clarksburg Fire Co.  Final appropriations of the ARPA money are needed by April. There has been an open line of communication between the town and the Fire Co.  The deadline to sign off was missed, the penalty has been reduced from $10 to $3 thousand.  Fire Chief Chip Chesbro informed Dan the Fire Co has been waiting on a bill from the town.  Kelly informed the board that the computer system & the accountants’ numbers need to match.  Once that happens, they will have a better idea of the available funds.   Sarah Hurlbut informed the board funds must be committed not appropriated by 12/31/24.

School Roof: Ron & Kelly attended a webinar meeting at the Superintendent’s office, there is an accelerated funds program for roofs and windows.  The funds would not be released till 2029.  Ron suggested a debt exclusion on the May ballot.  Colton asked if the State is matching the town’s money for the project if a debt exclusion is obtained.  Ron consulted with the Superintendent regarding the bathrooms not being handicap accessible, electrical issues and asbestos.   The most important issue is the roof.  Ron asked if the board was ok with him issuing an RFP for the roof.  The residents will need to decide if they want a new school, use an accelerated program or debt exclusion. There has been no decision on the roof for 6 years.  Dan would like the bid to go out as soon as possible.  The reality of regionalization was discussed as well at the meeting.  Informational/ power point presentation meetings can be scheduled for residents.  Sarah asked if the RFP should go out next week and clarification will need to be made for residents that they are fixing the roof vs a new school. 

BRPC is on track with everything and moving forward.  The next meeting will be February 6th.

Update on Grants: MVP is on track.  The Briggsville paperwork has been signed.  The money matching grant was obtained.  There is a Masterplan teleconference at 10am.  The Planning board is involved in the process.  The West Rd. culvert is signed off, points of interest given to Courtney Morehouse.  The Digital equity grant is in progress for better internet at the 60+ Center.

The Administrative transition has been challenging.  Ron has a lot of questions; his office was moved downstairs. 

Kelly briefed the board regarding the OPEB Account.  Recommendations for the OPEB Account have been on the audit for multiple years.  The recommendation is that about $3,500 a year in free cash should be allocated to other post-employment benefits. 

Free cash update, FY 24: Donna is completing schedule A next week.  The Town is not anticipating much free cash.

KP Law has increased their rate.  Kelly reached out to Addison to see if they could complete the audit.

The employees’ cost of living increase was postponed until the next meeting.

Colton motioned to approve Tom Rotolo’s Used Auto License, Dan second, motion carried

Colton motioned to adjourn at 5:41pm, motion carried.



Rachelle Bleau

Administrative Assistant




       Robert Norcross, Chair                    Dan Haskins                                     Colton Andrews