Clarksburg Historical Commission
The Clarksburg Historical Commission continues organizing news clippings and photos for binders and welcomes donations of old newspapers/articles. One day, we hope to have a complete set that will give us the history of Clarksburg from the very beginning. While we are hopeful, we also understand that it’s still a dream for us. We do have two binders of articles and photos pertaining to the Clarksburg Volunteer Fire Company, a military binder and somewhat complete newspaper books from the 1930’s to present day.
As you’re cleaning out your closets, etc. and come across articles and artifacts pertaining to Clarksburg, please get in touch with us. We would love to be able to copy articles and photos that would be of historical value, if not from years ago, it could be something current that would be of value years from now. Family photos (hopefully with names & dates attached), news clippings, photos of old buildings that are no longer in existence, school records/photos, VFW events, obituaries, items from former Clarksburg businesses (or even current ones)…anything Clarksburg related. Also, we could use family histories/genealogies of Clarksburg residents. If you’re not sure, give one of us a call. If we can’t use it, we’ll get back to you.
In organizing old town reports, we are still missing those prior to 1885 and also for the year 1992. You may even find items at a tag sale that we could use. From time to time, we’ll be publishing old photos, hoping that the people in the photos can be identified.
Do you know anything about the peat moss factory at the Tamarack Swamp? Or other former businesses? Let us know.
Members of the Clarksburg Historical Commission are as follows. Please feel free to contact any one of us with information.
Jeanne Moulthrop (2025) – 413-663-3630 or
Susan Brandon (2026) - 413-663-9007 or
Joe Bushika (2026) – 413-663-8710 or
Pat Morrissey (2027) – 413-663-3654 or
Mark Kimball (2027) – 413-663-9130 or
Following are a few photos that you may be able to help us identify. The two small ones are of “Paulie”, but we have no last name. And, if you know who “Andy” is, we’d like to know his last name too.
Historical Commission News
If you recognize anyone not noted below - contact Jeanne @ 413 663-3630

1893 publication, showing the sawmill at "Red Bridge" at the now known location of Red Mills
1893 publication, showing the sawmill at "Red Bridge" at the now known location of Red Mills

Please let the Historic Commission know if you can identify any of the students in the following photo. We have the names of 9 students on the next image, but there are 11 in the photo. Also, if you could identify them by their location in the photo.
Please let the Historic Commission know if you can identify any of the students in the following photo. We have the names of 9 students on the next image, but there are 11 in the photo. Also, if you could identify them by their location in the photo.

You can still get your copy of Ethel Mae Marsden's reprint of "Clarksburg, Massachusetts, Then and Now, 1749-1962". Copies are available at the Clarksburg Town Library by calling in advance. The cost is $15 and they will do curb pickup. 413-664-6050. You can also purchase the book through members of the Clarksburg Historical Commission
You can still get your copy of Ethel Mae Marsden's reprint of "Clarksburg, Massachusetts, Then and Now, 1749-1962". Copies are available at the Clarksburg Town Library by calling in advance. The cost is $15 and they will do curb pickup. 413-664-6050. You can also purchase the book through members of the Clarksburg Historical Commission