News & Public Notices
Posted: 02/20/2025
The Clarksburg Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131,section 40, the Wetlands Protection Act on ...
Posted: 02/14/2025
Posted: 02/11/2025
The Town of Clarksburg, MA, is seeking a part-time Library Director (25 hours/week) to oversee all library operations.
Posted: 02/08/2025
Posted: 02/05/2025
Offices that are available for the annual Town Election are as follows;
Posted: 01/23/2025
The Town of Clarksburg Selectboard AND School Committee, acting through its Town Administrator is seeking an RFP for replacement of the roof, including an insulation install from qualified contractors with experience in...
Posted: 01/16/2025
The annual census/street listing has been mailed to the residents of the town of Clarksburg. Please take a moment to...
Posted: 10/28/2024
Posted: 10/22/2024
Our municipal vulnerability program is seeking your input, observations, ideas and participation to address our very real issues of flooding and the resultant damage we have witnessed right here in town.
Posted: 10/15/2024
All decorations on the graves in the Clarksburg Cemetery located on Henderson Road must be removed by November 1, 2024
Posted: 10/04/2024
The Town of Clarksburg seeks a Certified and Trained Animal Control Officer on an on-call basis.
Posted: 08/26/2024
Shall the Town of Clarksburg accept sections 3 to 7, inclusive, of Chapter 44B of the General Laws, as approved by its legislative body, a summary of which appears below?
Posted: 08/14/2024
he campaign finance law requires local election officials to post locally filed campaign finance reports on their municipal website if the...
Posted: 08/14/2024
Posted: 08/05/2024
A back-to-school event featuring free backpacks with school supplies.
Posted: 06/18/2024
Posted: 06/10/2024
Posted: 05/20/2024
The Town of Clarksburg is seeking a Resident who might be interested in serving on the Board of Assessors.
Posted: 04/17/2024
Posted: 04/17/2024
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in Elections to meet at the polling place in said Town, namely at the Clarksburg Community Center at 712 West Cross Road, in said Town on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 12:00 NOON to 7:00 p.m. for the following purposes:
Posted: 04/11/2024
The Briggsville Water District is required to develop a Service Line Inventory and is working with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to develop a Service Line Inventory which consists of the verification of each service line material. As part of the inventory process the Briggsville Water District wants to assist customers to identify the material of the service lines providing them water.
Posted: 04/09/2024
This report has been prepared by Colonial Power Group with information/data being provided by the Competitive Supplier and National Grid.
Posted: 03/27/2024
The Town of Clarksburg seeks to hire an Interim Building Inspector/Local Building Inspector/Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Posted: 03/25/2024
The office of State Senator Paul Mark, working closely in association with MassHousing, will be hosting a virtual event for first-time homeowners.
Posted: 03/13/2024
Posted: 03/06/2024
Posted: 02/23/2024
Candidates seeking to run for office should contact the Town Clerk’s Office to pick up nomination papers.
Posted: 01/29/2024
At approximately 8am Jan. 30th, 2024, Wheeler Ave will be temporarily closed to deal with a water main break.
Posted: 01/16/2024
Posted: 01/08/2024
The annual census/street listing has been mailed to the residents of the town of Clarksburg. Please take a moment to review the information on the form and update the information
Posted: 12/11/2023
Posted: 11/27/2023
Posted: 11/21/2023
Scammers are claiming that they are U.S. Marshal Brian Kyes of the District of Massachusetts
Posted: 11/15/2023
As the state's leading agency for broadband and connectivity, MBI is dedicated to bringing affordable, high-speed internet to every person in Massachusetts. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has already allocated $145 million to Massachusetts to expand high-speed internet access and digital equity programming across the state.
Posted: 11/09/2023
Posted: 10/31/2023
All temporary decorations will be removed and disposed of by October 31st...
Posted: 10/12/2023
Pursuant to G.L. c. 40, § 32
Posted: 09/29/2023
Taking this survey will assist in digital equity in our town and across the state.
Posted: 09/20/2023
Starting the first week in october, there will be periodic and ongoing road closures for middle road due to the starting of reconstruction of middle road. Every effort will be made to minimize complete closure, but please be aware that there will be times when complete closure will be necessary.
Posted: 09/11/2023
Posted: 09/06/2023
The Clarksburg Selectboard is thrilled to announce it has received a $215,148 climate resilience grant to the Four Corners Climate Resiliency Project
Posted: 08/22/2023
Northern Berkshire Transport provides free rides for anyone needing:
Posted: 08/07/2023
To support the North Adams Regional Hospital, please sign and return the enclosed form.
Posted: 07/24/2023
A back-to-school event featuring free backpacks with school supplies.
Posted: 07/10/2023
Posted: 07/06/2023
Posted: 06/29/2023
Tickets: $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00
Posted: 06/29/2023
The Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) has launched the Massachusetts Statewide Digital Equity Survey to better understand the needs of Massachusetts residents when it comes to computers and internet access.
Posted: 06/07/2023
Posted: 06/01/2023
Posted: 03/13/2023
The Town of Clarksburg has issued a declaration of Snow Emergency due to the anticipated snow event to start this evening (March 13).
Posted: 03/07/2023
Information regarding proper disposal of items.
Posted: 03/03/2023
Posted: 02/28/2023
The Town of Clarksburg has issued a declaration of Snow Emergency due to the anticipated snow event to start this evening (Feb 27). Please be advised that there can be no parking on streets or sidewalks starting this evening at 11pm and lasting through 9am on Tuesday February 28th, 2023. Please not violators will be towed at owners expense. We Thank You for your anticipated cooperation.
Posted: 02/22/2023
The collector/treasurers office will be closed for training purposes. Tax payments will still be accepted but face time for questions/answers will not.
Posted: 01/06/2023
Briggsville Water District Does Not Meet Treatment Requirements
Posted: 12/14/2022
The emergency declaration goes into effect Thursday December 15th, 2022 at 9pm and will last through Saturday December 17th at 12noon.
Posted: 11/10/2022
Posted: 10/28/2022
On behalf of the Baker-Polito Administration, I am pleased to inform the Town of Clarksburg (Grantee) that a grant in the amount of$1,000,000 from the MassWorks Infrastructure Program has been approved to support the Middle Road Central Artery project.
Posted: 10/26/2022
The Conservation Commission of the town of Clarksburg will hold a public hearing pursuant to the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131,section 40, the Wetlands Protection Act on Wednesday November 2, 2022 at 6:00 pm, at town hall, 111 River Road.
Posted: 10/21/2022
The new state rule (Massachusetts State Regulation 310.CMR.19.017) requires mattresses to be kept out of the trash so they can be recycled.
Posted: 10/20/2022
Posted: 10/04/2022
Posted: 09/28/2022
Removal of Decorations: All temporary decorations will be removed and disposed of by October 31st.
Posted: 09/27/2022
…at no out-of-pocket charge to you! Presented by the Berkshire Public Health Alliance through your local municipality's public health nursing contract
Posted: 08/15/2022
Posted: 08/10/2022
In accordance with the requirements of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Town of Clarksburg will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities.
Posted: 07/06/2022
Posted: 07/01/2022
The Town of Clarksburg has the following vacant positions on several boards & committees.
Posted: 06/23/2022
Information on being notified in the event of a sanitary sewer overflow.
Posted: 06/21/2022
Posted: 05/16/2022
Absentee ballots for the Town Election to be held on May 31, 2022, are available at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Posted: 05/05/2022
Got a broken lamp? A sock with a hole? A ripped out seam? A necklace with leaking rhinestones? A knife that has ceased to be the sharpest blade in the drawer?
Posted: 04/19/2022
Posted: 03/10/2022
This project has 3 unique components. Each identified component MAY be bid upon separately, or we will also accept for review, bids on each component separately.
Posted: 03/07/2022
Guidance from Franklin County Regional Animal Control
Posted: 03/07/2022
Spectrum Northeast, LLC, (“Spectrum”) was notified on March 2, 2022, by NBC Universal Media, LLC on behalf of International Media Distribution, LLC (“IMD”) that it would cease distribution of CR1 Russia.
Posted: 02/24/2022
. The emergency declaration goes into effect Thursday February 24th at 11pm and will last through Saturday February 26th at 12noon.
Posted: 02/15/2022
Information re: BCAC's heat assistance programs.
Posted: 02/03/2022
Posted: 01/28/2022
Posted: 01/19/2022
Posted: 01/15/2022
Effective at 6pm Sunday January 16th, 2022 until Monday January 17th at 11pm
Posted: 12/20/2021
Take home tests can be obtained Tues. Dec 21st at Town Hall.
Posted: 11/22/2021
Posted: 10/27/2021
Trick or Treat hours for this year will be 5:30pm to 7:00pm Sunday October 31st.
Posted: 07/14/2021
CodeRed is a Community Notification System utilizing direct messeging.
Posted: 06/28/2021
Posted: 06/14/2021
The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission provided technical assistance to the Town and the Planning Committee throughout the planning and approval processes.
Posted: 05/28/2021
Posted: 05/25/2021
Job description and application information enclosed.
Posted: 05/14/2021
Posted: 05/07/2021
Clarksburg Residents and Business Owners: We Need Your Input
Posted: 05/07/2021
The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is pleased to announce that it has opened an investigation focused on increasing public awareness of and participation in DPU proceedings.
Posted: 04/20/2021
Information for the monthly meeting of HWQD
Posted: 04/20/2021
Standing Committee of the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership
Posted: 04/14/2021
The last day to vote in the Annual Town Election is April 27th, 2021 at 5:00pm.
Posted: 04/09/2021
Invitation to bid on removal of single family dwelling on River Road.
Posted: 03/31/2021
Residents can vote by mail in the May 25th Town Election. Application required.
Posted: 03/23/2021
This meeting will be in person. If capacity exceeds the limit, the meeting will be moved outside.
Posted: 03/05/2021
It is time for Clarksburg parents to begin to register their youngsters for kindergarten. Children must be...
Posted: 03/02/2021
The Clarksburg Public Library will re-open with the following restrictions:
Posted: 02/26/2021
CCNB is represented by the towns of Adams, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Florida...
Posted: 02/12/2021
Posted: 02/04/2021
We will be shutting off the water Wednesday Feb 4th at 11:30am four roughly 3hrs
Posted: 02/03/2021
Petition of the Town of Clarksburg for approval by the Department of Public Utilities of an amended municipal aggregation plan pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 134.
Posted: 02/03/2021
Posted: 01/27/2021
Water interruptions may occur Thursday morning (Jan 28th, 2021) briefly while we work on the line.
Posted: 01/23/2021
Posted: 01/19/2021
Posted: 01/15/2021
Meeting will take place on January 21st 2021 at 4pm
Posted: 12/31/2020
Mark Kimball donated a beautiful photo that he took of the Fall foliage on River Road, which included Town Hall in the photo
Posted: 12/29/2020
Town Hall is closing beginning Tuesday December 30th and reopening to office personnel only on Monday, January 4th at 8:30 a.m.
Posted: 12/28/2020
Posted: 12/16/2020
The Town of Clarksburg has declared a Snow Emergency beginning Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. through Thursday, December 17, 2020 until 7:00 p.m. - read more
Posted: 12/15/2020
Williamstown Holiday Farmer's Markets will be hosted at Greylock WORKS.
Posted: 12/14/2020
Berkshire Health Systems has announced that its three COVID-19 Testing Centers have been added to the state’s Stop the Spread program, expanding community testing and providing free testing for those who qualify under the state program. The centers will...
Posted: 12/10/2020
Notice is hereby given in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 56, that the Clarksburg Select Board in conjunction with the Assessor/Board of Assessors will hold a virtual Public Hearing on...
Posted: 12/04/2020
Posted: 11/24/2020
Peter A. Cook VFW POST 9144 will not be holding the town Christmas tree lighting this year because of the COVID-19 Virus situation.
Posted: 11/19/2020
Posted: 11/19/2020
Posted: 11/18/2020
We would like to thank the North Berkshire School Union communities of Clarksburg, Florida, Monroe, Rowe, and Savoy for working together with each of the schools to successfully reopen the buildings at the start of this school year in order to effectively educate the students in person each day...
Posted: 11/18/2020
The Town of Clarksburg is accepting bids for a surplus 2006 Chevrolet Impala. The vehicle is available for inspection by appointment..
Posted: 11/12/2020
RE: Petition submitted by Massachusetts Electric Company d/b/a National Grid and Verizon New England Inc.
Posted: 11/05/2020
For several years now, a gravestone has been sitting in the Town Administrator’s office. We have been searching cemetery records to see if we can find where this stone belongs, but have found nothing yet
Posted: 11/05/2020
Want to help Clarksburg prepare for future hazards that will help us qualify for funding?
Posted: 11/03/2020
Posted: 10/26/2020
Posted: 10/19/2020
Information regarding this years elections
Posted: 10/19/2020
Posted: 10/19/2020
All decorations on the graves in the Clarksburg Cemetery located on Henderson Road must be removed by November 2nd, 2020. Any remaining decorations after this date, will be considered unwanted and will be disposed of by the Cemetery Department.
Posted: 10/16/2020
The Town seeks one person to fill a vacancy on the Finance Committee. If interested please contact the Town Administrator at 413-663-8250
Posted: 10/15/2020
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) announced today the launch of two Community Development Block Grant CDBG-CV Grant Programs to assist low-to-moderate income microenterprise business owners in Berkshire County. Funds derive from the CARES Act of 2020 awarded to the Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) by HUD. The purpose of the two business assistance programs is to assist low-to-moderate income (LMI) microenterprise business owners prepare for, prevent, and/or respond to the impacts of the Coronavirus.
Posted: 10/15/2020
It was approved at the select board meeting last evening that the Town of Clarksburg will be following the North Adams Trick or Treat guidelines that were set in place for Halloween this year. Guidelines enclosed.
Posted: 10/13/2020
Imposters call customers, demand immediate payment, threaten to shut off service
Posted: 10/07/2020
Clarksburg DPW Yard 8am - 12pm
Posted: 10/02/2020
National Grid and Eversource are partnering to offer webinars to residential customers who may benefit from financial assistance in these difficult times.
Posted: 09/10/2020
Available from the Historical Commission.
Posted: 07/07/2020
The Clarksburg Select Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Ketchum Memorial Meeting Room at the Clarksburg Town Hall.
Posted: 06/16/2020
Information regarding this years Town Meeting to be held on June 24th.
Posted: 06/09/2020
Polling hours are 12noon till 7pm.
Posted: 06/04/2020
If awarded, this grant will provide assistance to a limited number of micro-enterprise businesses in south Berkshire County, on a first come, first served basis, where there are 5 or fewer employees and where the business owner(s) is low to moderate income, and where the business has been adversely impacted by Covid-19.
Posted: 05/21/2020
The Adams Board of Selectmen will conduct a public hearing to discuss the proposed regional application for funding to the MA Community Development Block Grant COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) program, appropriated through the CARES Act of 2020 and awarded to the MA Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) by HUD via amendment to the existing DHCD CDBG FY2019 One Year Action Plan.
Posted: 05/21/2020
PCG partnered with the Towns of Clarksburg and Stamford in 2018-2019 to conduct a feasibility study to inform the decision-making of a potential merger between the two districts. Full report enclosed.
Posted: 05/13/2020
Local Police, Fire and EMS will be driving around town today starting at 5pm.
Posted: 05/07/2020
On October 16, 2013, the Town of Clarksburg filed with the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) a petition for approval of its Aggregation Plan pursuant to M.G.L. c. 164, § 134. The DPU docketed the Town’s original ...
Posted: 04/07/2020
Due to the COVID-19 Social Distancing Guidelines, The Town Field including the Basketball Court is CLOSED to the public until further notice.
Posted: 03/20/2020
Even ones labeled "Flushable". Our maintenance crew has had to unclog equipment multiple times already. - Our systems are not equipped to process them.
Posted: 03/08/2020
As posted and received from NORTH BERKSHIRE SCHOOL UNION
Posted: 03/03/2020
March 2nd is time for Clarksburg parents to begin to register their youngsters for kindergarten.
Posted: 02/28/2020
The Town of Clarksburg invites sealed Bids for an addition to the Clarksburg D.P.W. Garage in Clarksburg, MA, in accordance with the Construction Documents as prepared by Hake-Westall Design Group.
Posted: 02/26/2020
Text REG to 64743 (NGRID) to sign up. Read for more.
Posted: 01/27/2020
Housing Rehab Funds could be available soon for low to moderate income homeowners in Clarksburg.
Posted: 12/23/2019
The Clarksburg Historical Commission is planning on having "Clarksburg, Massachusetts, Then and Now, 1749 - 1962" reprinted.
Posted: 12/13/2019
Santa and his helpers will be arriving by Fire Truck to visit the children in Clarksburg on Sunday, December 15th
Posted: 10/30/2019
Saturday November 2nd, between the hours of 5:30 & 7PM
Posted: 10/10/2019
Posted: 09/26/2019
Posted: 04/16/2019
Posted: 03/21/2019
Proposed fiscal year 2020 budget will leave us vastly under funded!
Posted: 11/14/2018
The Clarksburg Select Board have placed an overnight parking ban on all town roads and streets effective beginning November 1, 2018, until April 30th 2019.
Posted: 05/30/2018
Restoration efforts at The Clarksburg Cemetery